Tuesday, July 12, 2011

**Please help.!!!! I think i have ocd or somthing with numbers...=/**?

When i was little i watched this commertial and it said somthing like " are channels spinning in your head" with a whole bunch of channels changeing quickly, i cant remember if this was an actualy on tv or just in a dream but after that i couldint stop thinking in my head about a whole bunch of chanels changeing quickly. This whould piss me off because its like nomatter what i couldint stop thinking about that. Then i started haveing this thing with numbers, its like 6 is the devils number, and 7 is gods number. Like i hate the numbers 12, 6, 3, and 10.. I dont get myself on any of this. Its like 12 is for 2012, 3+3=6.. and so on.. I hate any numbers that can easily add up or somthing to these numbers. like 15 ( 1+5=6). I also cant stand red crosses, or pink (red+white= pink).. I just feel like red is the devils color and it cant be on a cross.. Idk y but if i touch somthing i have to go bac and like touch it over and over agin to make shure i didint touch it 6 times, like 7 idk.. and if i dont go back i will fell like i have to or somthing bad will happen, so i do or it will bugg me until i finaly do. Theres alot more stuff than this i could go onn and onnnn..... But i saw a movie called " the number 23" and that guy has somthing like i do, with the number thing. Exsept i do it in a diffrent way. I dont really talk to anyonee about this because ive been haveing this problem ever since i was like 7 or somthing and im 14 now so its become just a normal part of my life. But im tired of it because it distracts me from things i should be doing.. I think i have like ocd or somthing.. How could this be fixed....////?

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