Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why do certain members of Islam and Christianity forcing their ways on Sikhs?

They talk about civilising us. We always did and do bath, back in the day u would be lucky if an englishman, christian, bathed 2 times a year. The Pope himself said Guru Granth Shaib is a spiritual treasure if so then why is he sending missionaries to make us forget it + in Islam they don't support conversion unless u do it ur self. Christians and muslims say they are peaceful and respect other religions, whatever! They just love ridiculing them and forcing their own beliefs on others. They are no better than fundamentalists and romans who did the same and they had a cry about it. And when they get violent in their methods and get a smash they cry. Why? Don't they have enough sense to leave others alone? + Sikhs don't believe in forceful conversion if u want to convert u do it ur self. Plus u can ask us for help and come to our place of worship without any risk of conversion.

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